Washington Week with The Atlantic 2016 Episode 41 Trump denies allegations of sexual assault and Wikileaks releases hacked Clinton campaign emails 2016
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Journalists participate in a round-table discussion of news events in this award-winning public affairs series. It first aired in 1967, making it the longest-running prime-time news and public affairs program on television.
Download Washington Week with The Atlantic 2016 Episode 41 Trump denies allegations of sexual assault and Wikileaks releases hacked Clinton campaign emails 2016 [ 4,174 Kb/s ]
Download Washington Week with The Atlantic 2016 Episode 41 Trump denies allegations of sexual assault and Wikileaks releases hacked Clinton campaign emails 2016 [ 5,184 Kb/s ]
Download Washington Week with The Atlantic 2016 Episode 41 Trump denies allegations of sexual assault and Wikileaks releases hacked Clinton campaign emails 2016 [ 8,647 Kb/s ]
Download Washington Week with The Atlantic 2016 Episode 41 Trump denies allegations of sexual assault and Wikileaks releases hacked Clinton campaign emails 2016 [ 9,692 Kb/s ]